I also love Peter Parker’s humor. I laughed really hard on some scenes with Aunt May. Here are some of their conversations:
Guess who was the casualty. Yes, it was Gwen Stacy.
So here’s my rating for the Casts’ acting/portrayal/overall performance:
Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man/Peter Parker: 8/10. He’s lacking something. He seems to small for this role, by small I mean his body built and height. But acting wise, he’s good. But compared to Toby Maguire, I think Toby did it better. Just my opinion.
Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy: 10/10. She’s the perfect Gwen Stacy. Her acting is very effective and I love her fashion sense. (minus her lisp)
Jamie Foxx as Electro/Max Dillon: 8/10. He’s scary, yes, but he’s funnier than scary.
Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin/Harry Osborn: 7/10. James Franco is way better. HAHAHA :))
Paul Giamatti as Rhino/Aleksei Sytsevich: 10/10. Accent and body, perfect. Effective villain.
Stan Lee (cameo appearance as a guest) at Peter and Gwen’s graduation ceremony: 10/10, I won’t argue, Stan Lee is Stan Lee. A for Effort.

Disclaimer: Most pictures are not mine, credit to the owners.